Your Shipment has Arrived

Cinco kilo from Portugal.

Get your bump key ready son, it's time to start this goddamn party up!

Your shipment has arrived - all these goodies I snatched up for you to enjoy. That's pretty rad ain't it? Dumps and scans will be coming - just for you...

A handful of VCD's courtesy of the great omegalfa.

The gems of the batch that warranted the lot buy:

Zelda's Adventure 810 01570 variant + four Portuguese exclusives.

It's easy to eye-wag your way through the more common looking titles onto the juicy stuff - but among the batch also has a small handful of rare regional variants - Portuguese Asterix, Italian serial 815 Voyeur (matches 810 dump), & similar.

MAJOR LOVE <3 & THANKS to The World of CDi's omegalfa for making this happen. Lots of local coordination and the pain of overseas shipping a big package is much appreciated! An international network has proven priceless in getting the rare variants preserved from all corners of the earth.