Internetten op je TV! (814 0154)

"Internetten op je TV!" is a rolling demo with a handful of videos that promotes CD-i's internet functionality. A few variants of this critter are alive in the wild, presented in this post is serial variant 814 0154 - distinctly Dutch. According to wikipedia, the Dutch are a "West Germanic ethnic group" - so basically German language but sounds a little less mean. While scholars debate whether or not Dutch is an actual language or just an internet conspiracy, let's have a closer look into a slice of content from The Netherlands.

Behold: the variant I post about today.

Now that you have seen a picture. I feel pretty good that this article has meaningful content. There are people who like to read and are smart, and there are people who like picture because they are pretty. So this article is a good one to share to everyone you know as we've just determined the demographic is 100% of the population. That said, i've decided to also record a video as well, which will surely go viral as all the kids these days like to watch videos more than seeing pictures.

The one thing you need to watch in this video is the segment with Dave. Dave knows what the fuck is up. Just listen to him and he'll tell you all about internet, and women, and something called "voetbal" which must have been a popular thing many decades ago before video games really took off. Just listen to Dave, he'll even tell you how to fix your broken marriage: