Preservation Loan #003

 The IIIrpreservation loan comes from the one, the only... you guessed it, Blazers!

This month, we're preserving a fat batch of sweets ~ enjoy the eye candy below!

What are these?!?

And a binder full of goodies.

This batch has some unfamiliar discs to most if not all of your eyes. I've only begun to poke and prod at the contents, but of immediate note so far is the "Bradley Fighting Vehicle" tank training disc produced for the US Army, BP's corporate game "Making the Grade", and an interesting (and sometimes offensive) Harley Davidson Exit 7 disc (complete with a wet t-shirt contest video). Keep an eye out for an update post on the contents of this preservation batch.

With this batch I'll be producing videos for The World of CD-i as a thanks for the gentleman omegalfa stepping up to help out on a special preservation package (more on that to come!).

Warm up your remotes by Subscribing to The World of CD-i's YouTube channel now!

And why not subscribe to Blazers and our YouTube channels while you're at it?