Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Premiere Collection Encore is a CD-i Digital Video release that can be a little tricky to track down if you're in the US, while the European version seems to be plentiful and cheap.
Andrew Lloyd Webber & Billy Ray Cyrus
List of CD-i Games still for Sale (PC)
A Tower of White Label Demonstration Discs
Yes, it's true. I'm far too lazy to arrange these into something easier on the eyes. So here you are - a tower of discs.
Some Demonstration Discs were released with serial number variations - Treasures of the Smithsonian for example - data matches. A Visit To Sesame Street Letters has a title & serial variation - data doesn't match. So far I have found that White Label Demonstration Discs largely match some iteration of retail release - more dumps are needed (both retail and Preproduction) to paint a clearer picture.
I'm collecting my Preproduction scans here on I hope to add more as budget and lucky finds permit.
Editions: Preproduction / Demonstration
A wealth of Preproduction discs (usually called some flavor of "Demonstration") were properly pressed (as in, not CD-Rs). This page is to help identify the rules followed and broken by the various types of CD-i Preproduction discs - and in the process attempt to categorize or define the editions. We need more research done with these discs (i.e. dumped and datted with to come to more exactly conclusions (so some notes are in parenthesis with questionmarks? for speculation).
Additionally, an attempt at a complete list is in progress on the Redump Wiki. Images are sourced from around the web including World of CDi.
Demonstration Disc
Sometimes they break the rule and are Red:
Pre-Release Demonstration Disc
For Demonstration Only
Review & Test
Other (Uncommon)
Preproduction CD-R
CD-R preproduction discs are in a category of their own. They can be limited to a single copy! Sometimes build version and "Beta" or "Alpha" are scribbled on them. tends to slap "Beta" label on every and any pre-final CD-R regardless of it's actual build. I prefer to refer to them ambiguously as "Preproduction" if the are not labeled specifically.CD-i Digital Video & VCD
Riding on the coattails of the Redbook CD-Audio, Philips continued to define and release a 'Rainbow Book' of format specifications. The end result was a barrage of complicated specs, often requiring different hardware, often employing immature compression formats which performed unimpressively. You could go down a wormhole analyzing the quirks associated with each format (and many preservationists have, including sarami's DiscImageCreator and claunia's Aaru dumping applications) - but an interesting takeaway I've found is that Philips was more interested in specifying how formats operated in their disc structure (TOC) than letting the software do the talking (DVD flavors).
The Philips CD-i video releases were either CD-i DigitalVideo format (exclusive played on the CD-i console IF you had the expensive hardware add-on) or VCD - which were packed with Philips with some kind of "CD-i" logo attached to them - "CD-i Music" or "CD-i Video".
Sting's "Ten Summoner's Tales" interestingly was released as VCD in USA and CD-i Digital Video in Europe.
European version, note "Digital Video on CD-i" on cover and "Compact Disc Interactive" on disc label:
Among the Rainbow Books is the White Book formats. I won't go deep into the White Book format dichotomy as how they relate can be dizzying even to me. The technical way to confirm the difference between the two formats is the disc structure:
- CD-i DigitalVideo has a single track.
- VCDs with the CD-i logo will have 4 tracks (later iterations of the VCD format had different number of tracks).
List of CD-i DigitalVideo (GreenBook) and VideoCD (WhiteBook) Titles available from Philips as of 6/95
First and foremost this list is incomplete and does not represent the final, full list. It was a snapshot in time, but I want to share as-is for historical reference. The list comes from here. "X" indicates that it is a VCD (White Book). No-X refers to it being a CD-i Digital Video (Green Book). Additionally, some of the VCDs have CD-i wrappers - if I'm understanding correctly - I hope to touch more upon this in the future.
The following is a list of CD-i DigitalVideo (GreenBook) and VideoCD (WhiteBook) titles available from Philips as of 6/95. CD-i Software orders & info: (800) 340-7888 International Sales: (615) 636-5756 (Note: some titles may not be available for foreign sales, due to copyright restrictions) CD-i Hardware: (800) 531-0039 TITLE CATALOG # UPC # VCD -------- ------------- ------------- ----- A Fish Called Wanda 310-690-405-2 731069040521 X A View to a Kill 310-690-409-2 731069040927 X Addams Family Values 310-690-326-2 731069032625 X Airplane! 310-690-327-2 X Andre 310-690-341-2 X Annie Hall 310-690-422-2 X Apocalypse Now 310-690-305-2 731069030522 X Baby Boom 310-690-425-2 X Benny & Joon 310-690-420-2 X Beverly Hills Cop 310-690-313-2 731069031321 X Black Rain 310-690-315-2 731069031529 Bon Jovi: Keep the Faith 310-690-294-2 731069029427 Bryan Adams: Waking Up the Neighbours 310-690-288-2 731069028826 Bull Durham 310-690-501-2 731069050124 X Carreras Domingo Pavarotti: The Three Tenors 310-690-164-2 X Carrie 310-690-426-2 X Chitty Chitty Bang Bang 310-690-410-2 X Clear and Present Danger 310-690-338-2 X Coming to America 310-690-329-2 X Coneheads 310-690-320-2 731069032021 Dances With Wolves 310-690-502-2 731069050223 X Diamonds are Forever 310-690-421-2 X Dr. No 310-690-404-2 731069040422 X Eric Clapton: The Cream of Clapton 310-690-292-2 731069029229 For Your Eyes Only 310-690-419-2 X Forest Gump 310-690-339-2 X Four Weddings and a Funeral 310-690-212-2 X From Russia With Love 310-690-403-2 731069040323 X Goldfinger 310-690-407-2 731069040729 X Golf My Way (5 discs) 310-690-048-2 731069004820 Indecent Proposal 310-690-316-2 731069031628 Irving Berlin's White Christmax 310-690-306-2 X Lamb Chop's Play-Along: Action Songs 310-690-289-2 731069028925 Live and Let Die 310-690-417-2 X Married to the Mob 310-690-503-2 X Mississippi Burning 310-690-510-2 X Moonraker 310-690-411-2 X Moonstruck 310-690-401-2 731069040125 X NFL's 100 Greatest Touchdowns 310-690-053-2 731069005322 Octopussy 310-690-416-2 X Of Mice and Men 310-690-423-2 X Overboard 310-690-424-2 X Patriot Games 310-690-314-2 731069031420 Pete Townshend: Live 310-690-054-2 731069005421 X Peter Gabriel: All About Us 310-690-148-2 731069014829 X Planes, Trains and Automobiles 310-690-317-2 731069031727 Playboy's Complete Massage 310-690-298-2 731069029823 Posse 310-690-254-2 731069025429 Quigley Down Under 310-690-418-2 X Raging Bull 310-690-402-2 731069040224 X Rain Man 310-690-408-2 731069040828 X Road House 310-690-428-2 X Robocop 310-690-506-2 731069050629 X Robocop 2 310-690-507-2 X Rocky 310-690-412-2 X Silence of the Lambs 310-690-509-2 731069050926 X Sliver 310-690-309-2 731069030928 Star Trek: The Motion Picture 310-690-333-2 X Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan 310-690-310-2 731069031024 X Star Trek III: The Search for Spock 310-690-334-2 731069033424 X Star Trek V: The Final Frontier 310-690-337-2 731069033721 X Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country 310-690-304-2 731069030423 Tennis Our Way (3 discs) 310-690-052-2 731069005223 The Addams Family 310-690-330-2 731069033028 The Best of Baby Songs 310-690-296-2 731069029625 The Black Stallion 310-690-413-2 X The Firm 310-690-308-2 731069030829 The Hunt for Red October 310-690-302-2 731069030225 The Joy of Sex 310-690-241-2 731069024125 X The Naked Gun 310-690-323-2 731069032328 X The Naked Gun 2 1/2: The Smell of Fear 310-690-312-2 731069031222 The Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult 310-690-336-2 731069033622 X The Pink Panther 310-690-427-2 X The Secret of NIMH 310-690-406-2 731069040620 X The Three Tenors 310-690-164-2 731069016427 X Thelma and Louise 310-690-414-2 731069041429 X Top Gun 310-690-301-2 731069030126 U2: Rattle and Hum 310-690-344-2 X Wayne's World 310-690-318-2 731069031826 Wayne's World 2 310-690-332-2 731069033226 X Webber: The Premiere Collection 310-690-297-2 731069029724 White Christmas 310-690-306-2 731069030621 X-Men 310-690-149-2 731069014928 X You Only Live Twice 310-690-415-2 731069041528 X
Interactive Math has you Seeing Double
The Interactive Math (Matemáticas Interactivas) series appears to have come from the Estados Unidos, and based on its reversible Español manual (and dual language disc titles), possibly released South of the border.
I was able to snag tres (that's 'three') of the discs in the series, but the back of a couple of them indicate there is likely at least a fourth - "Fractions" - out there somewhere...
I've scanned (1, 2, 3 - reuse as you wish) and datted these with, so I'll call that preserved.