Loan #22

Another batch has arrived from Blazers, this time containing a smattering of pre-release discs and juicy rarities and per usual odds n ends.


While ebay is often plagued with the Zelda's Adventure  Demonstration Disc fakes, it feels great to finally have a the ONLY official USA pressing of Zelda's Adventure dumped and in the redump set for your experimentation! Some previously undumped Demonstration Discs & FPD builds have now made their way into Redump as well.

Another honorable mention is "Chew the Right Thing" an edutainment game from USA that's a top tier rarity. It feels great to have a brand new CD-i game for the world to enjoy playing!

The odds and ends preserved include a Philips press kit disc from the 96 era, misc "professional" discs from USA & Europe, Photo CDs, and a couple previously undumped serial numbers. Megamind 1 & Megamind 2, two CD+G quiz games have been preserved as well.

Jezus Messias has finally been dumped, but untrue to it's "CD-ROM XA" label, it doesn't boot on CDi, and seems to be PC only.

All builds can be found in the redump dat/romset. Other misc goodies here.

Thank you Blazers for helping preserve this particularly juicy batch of rarities!

BMB Karaoke -- A final set of Japanese CD-i Karaoke Discs

In 2021, I preserved the CDI Karaoke series from Japan (well let's say mostly, a few of the discs had read issues) -- a cache of 172 discs which had arrived to me via The World's Greatest CD-i Collector -- Blazers. And wouldn't you know it if the OTHER mega-batch of CD-i Karaoke discs from Japan didn't arrive on my doorstep today.

BMB is a huge name in Karaoke, they make equipment to this day. In addition to the complete set of 150  BMB Karaoke CD-i discs, incidentally came with the lot 100 of their Karaoke VCDs (#367-466). BMB also released CD+G Karaoke discs around the same era (but none to be seen here).

And so the preservation of these begins... I'm hoping to the highest of hopes, not too many (none?) errored discs (that an industrial grade resurfacer can't fix, anyway).

Follow along the CD-i progress here, and the VCDs will follow here.

All CD-i's will be added to redump (these VCDs do not meet redump qualifications however).

Thanks to Blazers! With him all things are possible.

Loan #21

 Photo CD heaven is here with a batch from Japan via Blazers.

Rest assured the above are dumped and datted at redump, and available in the Photo CD set via the Cvlt of Mirror's account.

Loan #20

To think 20 packages have already been loaned to us for preservation!
The 20th is courtesy of Blazers of course, and there are a lot of goodies in here, let's dig in!

Top left, while The Number Factory received a (very hard to find) retail release that has eluded us, we now have it preserved in some form -- a beta!

Over to the right one, "Tim & Bear At the Hospital"s unreleased build is now safely preserved, as well as an additional variant of of the Self-Selling disc. Beside that we have an unreleased title Rollerbollen 2 - which has a common CD-R error in the final 2 sectors -- this dump will be headed to No-Intro's Non-Redump dat for now.

Other rare items of mention: Alarma! (Spanish), Lycenne Graphics (Japanese), Mondrian (CD-Rom XA), and Kid's Geographic (Korean) -- all very rare treats from their perspective countries of origin.

And below... regional CD-i's, Photo CDs, and VCDs... as well as a buried "PlayPhone" disc which included swf / flash games destined to be loaded from PCs onto phones.

There's a lot of nice variety in this batch, enjoy!


Loan #19

 Another package from Blazers has arrived filled to the brim with Korean rarities, as well as the final outstanding known Tandy VIS disc - a rare variant of Title Sampler.

In addition to the English Interactive series now being dumped (or at least the first 23-known discs), two movie titles arrived (spanning 2-discs each).True Romance is numbered 69, and Color of Night is numbered 71 in a movie series titled "Interactive Screen English". Does this mean at least another 69 known movie titles exist out there in the wild? If not MORE? Each movie being 2-discs EACH. Presumably so... and if you happen to have them, reach out to us for preserving them.

Cheers to Blazers for preserving another batch of ultra rares that would otherwise be lost to the dust of time.

Loan #018

Another great batch of CD-i discs from Blazers arrives.

Amongst the treasures is a Jazz disc, two "Super Stories" rare CD-is, and three more Italian Karaoke discs preserved. We still have no idea how many of these Italian CD-i Karaoke discs exists, but we logged a record high of "N.17" in the series.


Below we see a smattering of Photo CD treats.

Berlin interestingly, is not PCD compliant (and won't boot in a Photo CD or CD-i player), but has .pcd files and a windows exe program to view them with.

All in all a nice, tidy collection of rarities forever preserved.

Loan #017

A grab-bag of misc CD-i rarities & oddities arrived in the mail yesterday for preservation via Blazers.


Japanese discs are always a special treat and a new children's title and F1 "data book" have been preserved (videos courtesy of Mr^Burns):

While the Richard Scarry Japanese discs proved to be verifications -- one verifies a US release, another a European release.


A revision hunt continued on the US-front as Mother Goose and O Sole Mio have previously-undumped ring codes. Mother Goose proved to be a verification, however O Sole Mio proved to be a previously undumped revision, here's the fresh new redump entry. The plot thickened as the "Total" CRC-32 (of all tracks combined) match a European variant -- which can be chocked up to a difference in show the tracks are split (as determined by the discs' TOC I believe).


And a handful of Euro oddities:

Si Balla! a rare Italian title for which we only had a beta preserved. Elsvier's medical info. Pathways edutainment. German DB train training discs. I Want One! Summer '95 Edition demo. The last of the Language Directors (presuming more revisions don't' exist). And USGA Great American Golf 2 (one of the few remaining undumped GAMES).


Last but not least we have the third-and-final(?) Bell disc to be preserved! Enjoy a taste in all it's glory!

Video via Mr^Burns


We hope you enjoy this latest preservation batch as much as we do!
Roms coming to an soon.

Thanks Blazers!